Thursday, 13 June 2019

Documentary mini-task

Documentary Mini-Task

A documentary is a factual programme with the primary purpose of either educating , instructing
or portraying events in history. Often interview are used to get factual information into a documentary

Expository documentary.
They always have an authoritative direct voice over that compliment the images and gives
value to the images that you see. Facts and different sides of arguments are provided by the
main voice over. They should come across as transparent and pretty direct to the point.

An example of an expository documentary
This fits the category as the images are clean no text over the top and no presenter who leads us
through it is just a smooth voiced male who narrates over the top to inform the viewer of what is
going on.

Observational documentary
It is in the title the film crew go and just film what they see we don't see any extra as
no filmmaker/director or presenter is seen, meaning no intervention is made whilst filming.
Gives a very transparent and non-judgemental to anyone. Audiences are left alone and have
to think about what they have watched and grasp their own opinion.

An example of an observational documentary
You can tell from the footage showed that this is most likely a chest camera and the true shock that you can
see in the soldiers eyes just proves how real this piece is, their also seems to be no intervention.

Interactive documentary
There is a main presenter type person how lives through a situation for the viewers.
Alot of interaction with the public and special characters linked to the documentaries subject.
Views are often challenged and arguments occur. Some manipulation can be present this can
be through editing t make things more tense or through the questions that are asked.

the second example is better as it has more public interaction. and they are reflecting on a protest that was made against a major polluter. Their is also snippets from the news backing up the legitimacy of their story.

Reflexive documentary
Messes around with the core conventions of a documentary. They film everyday things but
construct them to make them come across as very different. The film maker will often acknowledge their
existence in front of the camera and gives narration to the documentary. Experimental is a word that would
be used to describe a reflexive documentary and sometimes the construction of the piece of work is just as
interesting as the actual story.

Louie Theroux has never been afraid to be front and centre on camera and in his question asking which
which often can cause chaos and discontent with the people he is interviewing. he does have his own set

Preformative documentary
Indirectly represents the world and also has emphasis is more on presentation than the actual content.
Soundtracks are added, some scenes are re-shot. They often have a subject aim that they want to get
out of the documentary.

The clips of all black people at the start are then given a soundtrack from a black man saying "brother
to brother" and then the rest is footage is people expressing them-self with an almost poem like voice-over
and then at the very end we see the man that has created the whole backing noises who then portrays a
stern message of what the documentary is about.

I quite like the observational documentary style as it just shows what needs to be shown but I
do think that small bits of voiceovers help on engaging the reader and gives extra understanding
to the documentaries topic. I think that the documentary maker has a role to get the most true
representation of what is actually going on. I don't think reshot should be used to make something
look better but if they see something when travelling between destinations that they think that they
should film but hadn't planned to I think asking the people to then re do what they just did is fine as
over wise the viewer wouldn't see what the documentary marker sees. So I think that the viewer
should see just as much as a documentary maker.

An example of when a documentary manipulated the audience to keep attention as in this clip it is seemed
that it only takes a few hours to just get a gun but in fact their was several days between first going to the
bank and filling out the forms to actually getting the gun, this would have actually given the bank tie to check
all of the details. this isn't really a lie as they don't fully say how long it took but they do use ways of
manipulation like wearing the same t-shirt on both shot days. I think you could justify this as otherwise people
would have just forgotten about what they did first to get the gun so it makes sense to bundle it together.

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